B-Team Corrosion Protection RO Ro   EN En   FR Fr   DE De   IT It   ES Es

Proper preparation of the surface. Long term corrosion protection!

corrosion inhibitors

                                                               (the application of corrosion protection systems)


Surface preparation is an important stage in the implementation of the anti-abrasion and corrosion protection systems. Product quality is significantly influenced by the condition of the substrate. Even small amounts of various contaminants such as oil, grease, oxides etc, can influence adhesion to the substrate. This will lead to gradual loss of characteristics and increased risk of corrosion.


The less visible "enemy"


Here we will talk about chemical contamination. Those elements that are less visible, such as chlorides and sulphates, which attract moisture protection system and thus you will not be able to achieve your goals. Removing all chemical spillage on the surface will lead to long-lasting corrosion protection. A little further down, you have an example of inadequate protection systems:


                              corrosion damage

                                          (the effects of applying inadequate corrosion protection products)


Here, you can find information about blasting, important stage in the process of pre-treating the surface. You can find out the grades defined by ISO 8501-1 cleaning standards. Selecting the most effective method of blasting is based on the metal structure. The particle size influences the quality of the process used. In general, small particles are used when metal structures are new and not strongly affected by corrosion


After blasting process


Blasting process produces large amounts of dust and debris, and their removal is necessary. You can use different surface cleaning equipment, but also by manual cleaning (using brushes). Important is to achieve standards of cleaning and profiles roughness. Also, the application process should begin as quickly as possible. This moisture can lead to corrosion. If this happens, you will resume blasting process.


For any information regarding surface preparation and corrosion product application, we provide you with the following contacts.


Choose the safety of your equipment and reducied maintenance costs!


Source: http://www.npl.co.uk/upload/pdf/surface_coating.pdf